
Wednesday, September 17, 2014


...what I did when we said the Pledge of Allegiance this morning.
...who held the flag when we said the Pledge of Allegiance.
...the words we rhymed with the word, "frog", in the Morning Message.
...what I did in P.E. (bowling)
...who "Mat Man" is.
...what I did in handwriting with Ms. Schroeder.
...finding the rhymes in the story, Silly Sally
...the name activity we did using a Venn diagram. mailbox number and how I use my mailbox.

With our morning message, the children shared words (both real and nonsense) that rhyme with the word frog.  Mrs. "B" wrote the words on the morning message and pointed out that they all end with the same 2 letters and letter sounds. 

Today was our first handwriting lesson.  To help them become familiar with the wooden pieces they will use to learn how to write letters, the children helped build "Mat Man".  

 Looking at our handwriting workbooks.


 A new activity at the Writing Station is writing our classmates' names.   To help them spell a classmate's name, a child can find the photo of the classmate on the Word Wall and use it to copy the classmate's name on to his/her paper.   Anna and Clare worked on this task today.

Another activity children can do with  their classmates' names is to create a Venn Diagram to find out which letters 2 different names have in common.  Below is an example.  

Today we introduced the class to their own individual mailbox.  Their mailbox number is the same as their cubby number.  If children are not finished working on something at the end of Free Choice time, they can keep it in their mailbox until the next day.

Today was a cooking day!  Instead of cooking something that we could eat, we cooked something with which we can play.  The children helped add and mix together ingredients and the teacher cooked the mixture on the stove to make our very own playdough!

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