...what greeting we did during Morning Meeting.
...what I did in Drama.
...what I did in Music.
...the story, All Kinds of Families.
...the family flag I made.

Also during Extended Day, we used photo cards to discuss the emotions/feelings being expressed in each photo. Each child had the opportunity to share a time when he/she was mad, sad and happy. We will continue to use photo cards to stimulate discussions about feelings; how to manage our feelings; and how to handle conflicts with peers.
After reading a story about families, each child created his/her own family flag. The stripes on the flag indicate how many people are in the family; squares indicate brothers; circles indicate sisters; and stars indicate pets. The family flags are displayed on the bulletin board outside of our classroom.
Ask your child to show you how he/she sings "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" using different emotions.
The children in the photos below decided to display their finished work on their "pads" in the hallway.
We did an activity today that required teamwork and cooperation. We all joined hands in a circle and moved a hoola hoop around the circle keeping our hands held together.
Also during Extended Day, we used photo cards to discuss the emotions/feelings being expressed in each photo. Each child had the opportunity to share a time when he/she was mad, sad and happy. We will continue to use photo cards to stimulate discussions about feelings; how to manage our feelings; and how to handle conflicts with peers.
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