
Tuesday, September 2, 2014


...who the Friendly Frog was today.
...what was new in the "Book Nook" today.
...what was new at the Fine Motor Station today.
...what was new at the Writing Station today.
...what I did in Spanish.
...the calendar.
...the new game we learned--"Snail's Pace Race".
...the story, Chrysanthemum

Be sure to ask your child what was new about the Morning Message.
Mrs. "B" was the "Friendly Frog" today!  The Friendly Frog has special jobs to do--helping with calendar, playing the clean-up song, leading the line in the hallways, reporting to the class what is for snack, etc.  Tomorrow, Mrs. Spolter will be the Friendly Frog.  Then, on Thursday, a child's name will be chosen to be the Friendly Frog!

Today we identified the names of a few or our stations that children can visit during Free Choice time.  

We explained that the Fine Motor Station is for doing activities with your hands and fingers to make the muscles stronger in those body parts. 
 We added playdough to the Fine Motor Station--a BIG hit!

 We also introduced and opened the Writing Station.  Right now, there are pages that children can trace with markers to practice fine motor control when writing.

 At the Creation Station, children were busy drawing and coloring.

 Graham works on putting together the alphabet floor puzzle.

 In the Book Nook (our classroom library), we introduced a pocket chart activity.  Children can put together the sentence, "I can read____.", using pictures of environmental print that they can read.

 Today we "revealed" what has been under the green paper since the first day of school...
 It's a calendar!
 We talked about the day of the week.
 We talked about the name of the month.
 We also talked about the date and the year.
Each day, the Friendly Frog will check the weather and record it on the weather graph.  Today was cloudy and rainy.
 We also discussed the season.
Today we read the story Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes.  The main character in the story doesn't like her long name (Chrysanthemum).  Ask your child to share with you who else had a long name in this story.  We will begin doing activities with our own names tomorrow!    
We did a song in Spanish to help us learn the Spanish words for different body parts.

Today we showed the children the frog cards which are kept in the pocket chart close to the entrance to our classroom.  When he/she arrives each day, your child will find the card with his/her name on it and turn it over so we know he/she has arrived at school.
Today we went to the swimming pool to meet Mr. Yakscoe, the swimming teacher.  We toured the locker rooms, walked around the pool area, and listened to a story read by Mr. Yakscoe.  Our first swimming class will be Thursday September 18th.


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