
Monday, September 15, 2014


...what I did in P.E. with the parachute.
...what I did in Spanish.
...the activity in the Sensory Tub for Free Choice time.
...whose birthday we celebrated.
...the password.
The Friendly Frog can read the Morning Message by himself/herself.
  Another job of the Friendly Frog's is to lead the class line when we are walking to and from another class.
Today we decorated frames for our family photos.  Once the photos are placed in the frames, we will display them all year.

Today we introduced the password.  Each Monday, we will introduce a new password.  When the children enter the classroom in the morning, they have to tell us the password which is posted on our classroom door.  When we introduce a new password, the old password will be added to our Word Wall at the Writing Station.

Today we introduced some new activities available at Free Choice time.

At the Sensory Tub, children search for hidden letter magnets and then match them to the red letter board.


 At the Fine Motor Station, children use stamps to spell their classmates' names.
 Also at the Fine Motor Station, children can practice snapping, buttoning and velcroing.
 At the Discovery Station, children can construct with tubes.

 Enjoying the story, Corduroy at the Listening Station.
Today we celebrated our first birthday with a classmate!  Luke's mom read us an alphabet hockey book; we sang Luke our birthday song; and then we ate donuts for Luke's birthday treat!  Happy Birthday, Luke!
Today was our Technology Day!  We used the SMARTBoard and played a rhyming game!

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