
Friday, September 12, 2014


ASK ME ABOUT... many days we've been in school. many more days until we celebrate another Zero the Hero day.
...what I did during Free Choice time.
...the book we read about families.
...building my family using color cubes.
...the book Ms. Oeth read to us at the library.
...what book I checked out from the library.

Today marks our 16th day of school and the end of our first 5-day week!  It is wonderful to observe the interactions and relationships developing among your children.  Following are some highlights from today's Free Choice time......

Spencer, Lianna and Amara are "reading" the name graph we made earlier this week.
 Graham and Remy work on patterns at Math Magic.
 Rubina and Claire enjoy hearing a story at the Listening Station.
 Lianna and Clare spell classmates' names at the Alphabet Station.
 Graham, Remy and Luke read beginning reader books in the Book Nook.
K.J. and Margo building with Legos in the Construction Zone.
 George and Avery are busy builders, too!
 Anna and Scarlett drawing at the easel.
 Anna, Amara and Spencer enjoying snack!
 Clare and Mitch building with twig blocks in the Construction Zone.
 Clare locating Ohio on the U.S.A. map at the Discovery Station.
 Gabriel and Luke building in the Construction Zone.

 Claire, Anna, Clare, Scarlett and Rubina work cooperatively to put together an alphabet floor puzzle.
 Using colored unifix cubes, each child "built" his/her family as indicated by the key in the photo below.  We discussed how each family is special and all families are different.

 We also read a story about families and shared our family photos.  If you have not already done so, please send in a family photo for your child to share with the class.  We will also be using them for another activity.

Today, we all, students and teachers, signed our class rules.  This means that we all agree to follow these rules so we can learn and grow this year.
  Spencer signs his name to our class rules.

Today was "Discovery Day" and we were scientists!  First, we read a book about a tree and how it changes with each season.  Next, we went outside and found a tree that we "adopted".  We shared our observations of the tree and took some photos.  We will visit our tree once a month throughout the school year to observe and record the changes it goes through each season.

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