
Thursday, September 11, 2014


...the boy/girl graph we did.
...what I did in Drama.
...what I did in Music.
 ...our classroom rules.
...the feather game we played.
...what self-control is.
Other special things about being the Friendly Frog include...
...having your name written on the Morning Message.  AND, the Friendly Frog gets to take home and keep that Morning Message.
 During Calendar time, the Friendly Frog helps put the date on the calendar and.....
 ...checks the weather outside and colors it in on the weather graph.

To help us find out how many girls and how many boys we have in our class, we created a graph.  Each child designed/colored in a person to look like himself/herself.  Next, we glued it to the graph.   The results are in the photo below.

Today we played a game that involved concentration and self-controlThe teacher stood on a chair with a feather.  The children were given instructions to do a specific action (clap, jump, laugh, etc.).  The children were instructed to begin the action when the feather left the teacher's hand and to stop the action when the feather hit the floor.   After the game, we discussed what self-control means.

The children have been helping us create a list of classroom rules so that we can learn, have fun, play and make friends when we are at school.  To make it easier to remember our classroom rules, the teachers came up with 3 rules that somehow include all the rules the children suggested.  Tomorrow, each child and teacher will sign the rules, agreeing to follow them during our school year together.  

We read another story about families today and are excited to share our own family photos.  Please send in a 3x5 family photo by tomorrow.
We read a story that included rhymes and then played a rhyming activity.
 The rhyming game we played involved rolling dice with pictures.  If the 2 pictures on the dice rhyme, we would say, "Rhyme Time".  If the 2 pictures did not rhyme, we would say, "Not this time".

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