
Tuesday, September 23, 2014


...the new greeting we did this morning at morning meeting ("Knock, Knock").
...what I did in P.E.
...where I went for Work Stations and what I did.
...who my Work Station partner is.
...what I did in Spanish.
...the pattern I made with a partner.
...the story, Does A Kangaroo Have A Mother Too?.

Today we started "Work Stations".  Children are paired with 1 or 2 classmates and are assigned to a specific station in the classroom.  For 10-15 minutes, children remain at their assigned station and do activities from that station.  A timer is set during Work Stations and when the timer goes off (signaling the end of Work Station time), children are free to choose the stations and activities they would like to do  (Free Choice time).  Children rotate to a new Work Station each day.  It takes 9-10 days to visit all the stations.  For this first round of Work Stations, children can choose any activities from that particular station.  When we begin our 2nd round of Work Stations, we will begin "have to" tasks.  These are tasks children must do when they are assigned to a specific Work Station.  Every 2 weeks, we change activities/tasks in the Work Stations.  

Amara and George work at the Writing Station.
Gabriel and Anna work at the Alphabet Station.
Graham and Claire work at Math Magic.
Remy, Spencer and Rubina work in the Book Nook.
K.J. and Anna work at the Fine Motor Station.
Lianna and Elliott work at Games Galore.
Scarlett and Avery work at the Sensory Tub.

Clare and Mitch work at the Creation Station.
Today we read the story, Does A Kangaroo Have  A Mother Too?

Today we reviewed what we learned yesterday about patterns.  Then, we partnered the students and provided them with materials to create a pattern.  Following this lesson, we observed children doing patterns in their work during Free Choice time.

Today was our Technology Day!  We used the SMARTBoard and did some activities from 

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