At the Creation Station, children use a picture card to guide them in making a design/figure using magnetic shapes.
At the Fine Motor Station children can attach shapes to a foam board using a hammer and golf tees. This is great practice with eye-hand coordination!
Also at the Fine Motor Station, children can practice their fine motor skills and spatial sense when drawing the missing half of the pictures below.
At the Alphabet Station, children can spell words using picture/word cards and magnet letters.
At the Writing Station, children can practice writing classmates' names, passwords or letters on the "Magnadoodle".
At Math Magic, children can practice their patterning skills.

...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...the new activities at the stations.
...what I did in Drama.
...what I did in Music.
...where we did Free Choice time.
...whose birthday we celebrated.
...the new password.
At the Sensory Tub, children look for names hidden in the tub, read the names, and match them to the correct photograph.

At the Creation Station, children use a picture card to guide them in making a design/figure using magnetic shapes.
At the Fine Motor Station children can attach shapes to a foam board using a hammer and golf tees. This is great practice with eye-hand coordination!
Also at the Fine Motor Station, children can practice their fine motor skills and spatial sense when drawing the missing half of the pictures below.
At the Alphabet Station, children can spell words using picture/word cards and magnet letters.
At the Writing Station, children can practice writing classmates' names, passwords or letters on the "Magnadoodle".
At Math Magic, children can practice their patterning skills.
Today we took advantage of the warm, sunny weather and headed outside for our Free Choice time! We even ate snack outside!

Today we helped Anna celebrate her birthday! Anna's mom read the story, Artist Ted, and we then enjoyed eating Anna's birthday treat-- Elsa (from "Frozen") sugar cookies. Happy Birthday, Anna!
Today we took a walk outside to visit our tree. We talked about the changes we noticed since our last visit to the tree, including: leaves have fallen off of the tree; some of the leaves have turned yellow; and some of the leaves are still green. We predicted what our tree might look like the next time we visit!
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