
Thursday, September 4, 2014


...who the Friendly Frog was! many days we've been in school.
...what we made to celebrate "Zero the Hero" day!
...what we had for drink at snack.
...what story Ms. Oeth read to us at the library.
...what book I checked out from the library.
Graham was our first Friendly Frog!
Today marks our 10th day of school!  We put up the number 10 on the wall.... 
 We filled our ten-frame with 10 frogs...
 In our pocket chart, we traded 10 yello "single" cubes for a green group (rod) of ten cubes.  As you can see from the photo, we have 1 group of ten and 0 singles  in the pockets.  Since there is a 0 in the "singles" pocket and no yellow cubes, "Zero the Hero" gets placed in this pocket.
 We discovered that 10 single yellow cubes is the same as 1 green rod (of 10 cubes stuck together).
 Avery and his parents helped us celebrate our first Zero the Hero Day!  They brought in wooden circles (zeroes)  for us to color/decorate.  They added our first day of school photo on one side of the circle and a magnet on the other side.  Thank you for helping us to celebrate. 
 Today, we introduced milk at snack time.  Children served themselves using small pitchers!
 Clare and Avery play "Snail's Pace Race" at Games Galore.
Spencer and Amara play "Snail's Pace Race".

Scarlett and Elliott use pattern blocks at Math Magic.

 Lianna counts with the cubes at Math Magic.
Due to the fire alarm going off yesterday afternoon, we had to postpone our Discovery experiment until today.  First, we discussed what a scientist is and does.
Next, we became scientists and did an experiment using a clear cup, Sprite and raisins.   First, we made predictions (guesses) about what would happen if we added the raisins to the cup of Sprite.  Children worked with a partner and took turns dropping raisins into a cup of Sprite.  Then, they observed to see what would happen. 

 We gathered back in a group with all of our  cups with Sprite and raisins to discuss our observations and review our predictions.  Some children commented that the raisins looked like a different color in the Sprite and that sometimes the raisins had bubbles on them and were at the top of the cup (floating) and other times the raisins were at the bottom of the cup.  I explained to the children that Sprite does have bubbles and inside the bubbles is something called carbon dioxide.  The carbon dioxide lifts the raisins to the top.  When the bubbles pop, then the raisins fall back to the bottom until another bubble lifts them up. 

 We then decided to put some raisins in a cup of water to find out if they would do the same thing as in the Sprite.  All the children predicted that the raisins would not bounce up and down in the water.  We discussed that since the water has no carbon dioxide, the raisins would not float and sink as in the Sprite. 

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