...what new greeting we did during Morning Meeting.
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...the weather graph for the month of September.
...what month it will be starting tomorrow!
...what I did in my handwriting book.
...what letter sound we did today.
...what I glued on to the letter "C".
...what book Ms. Oeth read to us in the library.
...what book I checked out from the library.
We did a magnifying glass greeting this morning. The child holding the magnifying glass would say, "Good Morning", to the person next to him/her and would then look through the magnifying glass and say, "It's nice to see you.". The children really enjoyed this new way to greet friends!
Snapping cubes together in the correct numerical order.
Using a number chart for assistance.
Rereading a big book and finding the password "me" in the text.
Using spatial reasoning skills.
Spelling words at the Alphabet Station.
Identifying the letter D and d.
Practicing snapping.
We transformed our Dramatic Play Station into a veterinarian's office!
Today we introduced our first letter sound--/C/. Children practiced making the letter "C" on the carpet while repeating its sound; brainstormed words that begin with the /C/ sound; and decorated the letter "C" with crayons!
Here are the totals for our September weather graph. Be sure to ask your child which has the most, the least and if anything is equal.
Children completed the first pages in their handwriting books today. They practiced making lines from top to bottom and also from left to right.
For our Discovery activity today, we talked about the pomegranate. The children learned:
~the pomegranate is a fruit.
~the pomegranate grows on a tree.
~it grows in very hot places.
~you eat the seeds of the pomegranate and can drink the juice.
~there are hundreds of seeds inside each pomegranate.
We also used a globe to find out where pomegranates were grown originally--in Iran and in India. We learned they are also grown now in California, Arizona and Mexico.
After our discussion, each child was given a section of a pomegranate and he/she picked out the seeds and were able to taste the seeds if he/she wanted. Many of the children liked the seeds. Some opted not to taste the seeds but were amazed at how many seeds there were in the small section of pomegranate.