
Thursday, October 15, 2015


...the question on the Morning Message.
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...what I did in Spanish.
...what we had for snack today!
...our new "Star of the Week".
...what number I learned and practiced writing.
...the story, The Day The Crayons Quit. 
Lucy, Poppy and Nathan retell the story of Dog's Colorful Day in the Book Nook during Work Stations. 

Enjoying Mo Willems books in the Book Nook.
Our "Star of the Week" is Kevin!  Today we learned that Kevin's favorite things include:  ice cream sandwiches (favorite dessert); the beach (favorite place to visit); and golf (favorite activity).  Kevin also brought in his stuffed English Bulldog to show the class.  We enjoyed getting to know you better, Kevin!

 We glued insects on our letter "I".

Today we learned and practiced writing the number 4.  Ask your child what letter you make when you are making the number 4.
We read a very funny story today about crayons and colors called, The Day the Crayons Quit.  We are going to make our own class book pleading with the crayons not to quit!

We introduced an activity today where children can practice reading color words.  Using cards, children read the color word and then match it to the photo of objects with that color.
 If needed, children can use this color poster as a reference.

Today was a Discovery Day!  First, we examined an interesting-looking fruit.  After a few children guessed the name of the fruit--apple, apricot--we revealed the name of the fruit--a pomegranate.  We discussed the places and climate where a pomegranate grows; that you eat the seeds of a pomegranate; and that there are hundreds of seeds inside.   Then, we cut open the pomegranate to discover hundreds of seeds!  Each child was then given a section of a pomegranate and picked out the seeds and ate them (if he/she wanted).

We also watched a short video clip about pomegranates and looked at some pomegranate trees.

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