
Thursday, October 1, 2015


ASK ME ABOUT... many days we've been in school.
...what we did to celebrate Zero The Hero day!
...the name of the new month.
...what is happening on our calendar during October.
...what I did in my Math Group today.
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...what I did in P.E. today.
Below was our daily schedule for today.  Be sure to ask your child the 2 new activities we did today  (Math Groups and Work Stations).
It's October!  Be sure to ask your child what is happening during the month of October in Pre-K "A"!

Today marks our 30th day of school!   Zero the Hero came to visit us and even had the number 30 on the back of his cape!


 Poppy and her parents helped us celebrate Zero the Hero Day.  Each child decorated a wooden letter (the first letter of his/her first name) with 30 decorations.  Thank you for helping us celebrate!

Today we introduced and did "Work Stations".    Children are divided into a group of 3 students who are work station partners.  Each trio is assigned to a specific station from which they have to choose activities.  (This is an opportunity for students to choose tasks that they might not necessarily choose, otherwise.)   For 10 minutes, children can only choose tasks from their assigned station.  At the end of 10 minutes, a timer goes off and Free Choice time begins.   Children can continue working on the task they are doing or can clean up and choose activities from other stations.  Each day, the trio of partners will rotate to a new station during Work Station time.  The next time we rotate through the stations, there will be some tasks that are required to complete when visiting a Work Station.  These tasks are called "have-to" activities.  "Have-to" activities will be shown and explained on the Blog.   
Below are photos of the students doing activities during "Work Station" time.  Be sure to ask your child who his/her Work Station partners are and what he/she did today during Work Stations.

Today was our first time to do Math Groups.  Children who worked with Mrs. "B" today did a problem-solving activity.
In the photos below, children had to figure out which animal on the page was the named child's favorite animal.

 In the scenario pictured below, the children had to determine which of the girls was the named child's sister.

 In Mrs. Spolter's math group, children worked with pattern blocks.
Pictured below are the 6 pattern block shapes.  We identified and discussed each shape, including the differences between a hexagon and an octagon.  We also learned the name of a new shape--the trapezoid.

 In the figures pictured below, children have to determine which shapes they need to use to fill in the figure.

 The figures become progressively more difficult.

 We will do Math Groups again next week when children will do the activity they did not do today.

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