
Tuesday, October 20, 2015


... the question on the Morning Message and how I answered it.
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...the new activities at Free Choice.
...what letter we decorated.
...what I did in P.E.
...what happened in the story, Sort It Out!. we sorted our P.E. shoes.
...which Science activity I did--the balance activity or the floating/sinking activity.
We introduced new activities today for Free Choice time.
 "Roll and Cover the Pumpkin" is an activity where a child rolls 2 dice, counts the number of dots and colors in the corresponding number on his/her paper.  This was a popular activity today!

 Using a real pumpkin with golf tees, Mrs. "B" created a "pumpkin geoboard".  Children use rubber bands to stretch and attach to the golf tees creating various designs.

 Tej practices his counting skills by filling in the ten-frames with the correct number of objects.
 We decorated our letter "K" with kites.
After reading the book Sort It Out!,  we did a sorting activity using our P.E. shoes.  Later in the week, we will discuss ways to sort the objects we collected yesterday on our nature walk.

We headed outside for 2 different science activities.  Mrs. "B" did a floating and sinking experiment.

Mrs. Spolter did a balance activity.  First, children took turns walking on a straight line.  We made observations and discussed what happens when we try to keep our own bodies balanced when walking on a straight line.

 Next, we experimented with balancing rulers on a rectangular rubber eraser.

Mr. Cicetti was absent today for Art Class so we were scientists and started an experiment.

We were using vinegar in today's experiment, so we offered free smells of the vinegar to the children.
 First, we explained that we were going to place a candy pumpkin in 5 different types of liquids--dish soap, water, cooking oil, vinegar and milk.  Before we added the pumpkins to the liquids, we made predictions.  Next, we added the candy pumpkins to the liquids.  On Thursday we will revisit this experiment to discover what happened.

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