...the new "have-to" activities at Work Stations.
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...what I did in my Letter Group.
...what book Mrs. Arner read to us at the library.
...what book I checked out from the library.
...the books I looked at from the Book Fair.
...the story, Arnie and His School Tools.
...our new "Star of the Week".

At the Creation Station, children will create their own patchwork elephant after reading the story, Elmer.

Another activity at "Math Magic" has children coloring in certain numbers on a 100-chart with certain colors. When completed, there is a picture that emerges!

...our new "Star of the Week".
Today we introduced new Work Stations. Following is a description of the "have-to" tasks that your child will complete during this set of Work Stations.
After reading the story The Day The Crayons Quit, we decided to make our own class book pleading with the crayons not to quit. Each child chose a color and why he/she would not want that particular color to quit. During Work Stations, children will illustrate his/her page for our class book.

At the Creation Station, children will create their own patchwork elephant after reading the story, Elmer.
At the Fine Motor Station, children cut out 4 pumpkins and glue them in order by size.

At Math Magic, children flip a pumpkin and record the results on a graph.

Another activity at "Math Magic" has children coloring in certain numbers on a 100-chart with certain colors. When completed, there is a picture that emerges!
Nathan is the "Star of the Week"! Today we learned that Nathan's favorite things include a parrot (favorite animal); chocolate cake (favorite dessert); and Rubino's Pizza (favorite restaurant). Nathan also shared his stuffed monkey--a favorite toy. We enjoyed getting to know you better, Nathan!
Mrs. Bundy visited us today with a collection of books from the Book Fair. After reading one of the books to the class, children had the opportunity to look at the collection of books.
We did phonemic awareness activities on the SMARTBoard, focusing on rhyming sounds and syllables in words.
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