
Friday, October 30, 2015


ASK ME ABOUT... many days we've been in school.
...what we did to celebrate Zero the Hero day.
...the story, Trick or Treat,! Smell my Feet.
...the story, "The Little Orange House".
...what we used to decorate the letter "U".
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...our Halloween celebration.

Today was our 50th day of school!  We are half-way to 100!  Zero the Hero visited us this morning with the number 50 on the back of his cape.  Bella and Lauren's mom helped us celebrate!

We glued frog Umbrellas Upside-down on our letter "U".
Ian made a rainbow during Free Choice after learning about rainbows yesterday.

We enjoyed a wonderful Halloween celebration today!  Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who assisted us with our party today.  Happy Halloween!! 

Today we watched a video with Pre-K "B"--the story, Spookley the Square Pumpkin.  We also headed out to the football field/track to watch the Lower School Halloween parade.

Thursday, October 29, 2015


...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...what I did in Drama/Music.
...what I learned and did in Spanish.
...telling you the 3 primary colors.
...telling you the 3 secondary colors.
...what I learned about rainbows.
...what we glued on to the "CH" and ask me what sound these 2 letters make when together.

Using our "school tools" at the Meeting Rug.
Shand was our first Pre-K author to share a book she created.  She will now take the book home to share with family.  Please help your child to remember to bring back his/her back after sharing it at home.  We will keep the books in our Book Nook for further reading/sharing.


Today children glued chocolate chips on our "CH" to help us remember what sound these 2 letters make when together.
 It was a cooperative group effort to put all the number tiles (1 through 100) into the right spaces.  What determination and perseverance!

 We read a story today about rainbows--learned the order of the colors of the rainbow, what time of day it is best to look for a rainbow, etc.
 Using the color wheel, we discussed which colors are primary colors and which are secondary colors.
 Trying to see a rainbow in a prism held up to the light.

 During today's Second Step lesson with Mr. Cross, the children did 2 activities......

1.  Strawberry or Chocolate - the boys and girls were asked if they like chocolate or strawberry and then we discussed how it's alright to like different things. We did the same thing with a sunny day and snowy day. 

2.  Looking at a Picture  - We looked at the attached picture and talked about how each child feels. The kids said that Lynn was sad and wanted to play with the blocks. We decided that Robbie was happy because he was playing with the blocks. Then we talked about how Lynn could be happy. The kids said that she could ask politely to play. I then asked, "What if Robbie says no?" The kids said she can play something else or she can watch. Then I asked, "Does that mean that Robbie doesn't want to be friends with Lynn?" The kids replied no, he just wants alone time. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


 ...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...what I did in P.E.
 ...the story Mouse Paint.
...the mixing color activity we did.
...the numbers we learned and practiced writing.
...the Mo Willems story we read. 

We read another book today about mixing colors--Mouse Paint--and then did our own mixing color activity.  Be sure to ask your child what happens when you mix......

... blue and red. and yellow. and yellow. and white. and white., blue and yellow.

Today we learned and practiced writing numbers 7 and 8.  Ask your child to share the poems we learned to help us write these numbers.  And, have your child show you the correct way to make a number 8!

We have been very lucky with warm, sunny weather during these beginning weeks of school.  However, today we had to have indoor recess due to the rain.  The children had a good time...

Our Special Class today was Art.