...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...what I did in Music/Drama.
...what letter I learned and practiced writing. Ask me to show you!
...the snowman poem we learned.
...the story, Oh, How I Wished I Could Read!
...the new materials we can use for building in the Construction Zone.
Today we read a story about a boy that had a nightmare that he didn't know how to read. To boost our children's confidence that they really can read, we have assigned them "homework" for the remainder of the school year. A note explaining this homework came home today in your child's folder. Basically, whenever your child discovers that he/she can read a word ( store grocery bag, restaurant label, food label, etc.) have him/her cut out the word and bring it in to share at school. We will be add the words to a bulletin board or in a special notebook at school. The children were already thinking of words they can read and bring in to share. Thank you for your support in this activity.
We learned and practiced writing letter "F" today. Ask your child to show you how he/she writes the letter "F'.
~"I'm A Little Snowman"~
Today the children learned this poem about a snowman. Children will have the opportunity to practice reading the poem during Free Choice time in the Book Nook.
Mrs. Keith (a substitute teacher in Pre-K A) read us a book about how
children in Alaska survive the cold, cold temperatures when they go
outside for recess. We learned that they go outside to play even when
the temperature is 20 degrees below 0!!! We also looked at a chart to
guide us with getting dressed in our snow gear when we go outside for

We also had Swimming this afternoon!
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