
Friday, January 8, 2016


...the question on the Morning Message.
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...what I did in my Math Group.
...the story, Snow Is Falling.
...if snow is good for us.
...what is different about the frog card I turn over when I arrive at the classroom.
...the snowman sudoku I can do during Free Choice time.

 The question on the Morning Message was, "How many vowels are in the word Winter?".  Be sure to ask your child which letters are vowels in this word.
During Free Choice time, children can do snowman sudoku--a great task for practicing problem-solving and logical thinking skills!

We continue to read stories and learn about Winter.  In our story today, we learned how and why snow is good for people, for animals and for the Earth.  
 Next week, the children will create things for our Winter bulletin board.
Next Tuesday, January 12th, is Hat Day in Pre-K.  Please have your child bring in/wear any kind of hat on this day.
There haven't been too many rainy days this year.  But when we do have one, here is what Indoor Recess looks like...

Our Special Class this afternoon was Art.  Be sure to ask your child to show or tell you what he/she did today!

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