
Wednesday, September 2, 2015


...who was our first Friendly Frog! many days we've been in school. we celebrated the 10th day of school.
...what I did in Music.
...the story, Will I Have A Friend?
...the activity we did called, "Just Like Me".
Today was the first day for a Pre-K student to be chosen to be the Friendly Frog!  Ethan was the first name chosen!  (Every child's name is on a frog stick contained in a small bucket.  Each day, a new name (stick) is chosen from the bucket.  Once everyone has had a turn to be the Friendly Frog, all the names (sticks) are returned to the bucket to be chosen for another turn!)  The Friendly Frog does the following jobs:
~signs his/her name on the Morning Message and gets to take the message home!
...assists the teacher with calendar activities.
...checks and records the daily weather on the weather graph.
...announces what the snack is for the day.
...plays the clean-up song when Free Choice time is over.
...leads the class in line when walking out of the classroom to another class.   

We made it to the 10th day of school!   We filled up our 10-frame with 10 frogs.  We also traded 10 yellow "single" cubes in for 1 green ten-rod.  The children are learning that number 10 means 1 group of ten (green ten rod) and 0 singles (yellow cubes).  Since no cubes go in the far-right pocket, we place Zero the Hero in there!

 We had a special visit from a human "Zero the Hero" today!  He helped us sing our special song and greeted each student!  He even promised to come back in 10 more school days!

 Lauren and her mom planned a special activity for us to do to celebrate Zero the Hero day!  The children made frog headbands.  There is a "0" in the headband part and each frog eye.  Thank you for helping us celebrate!

Many children enjoyed retelling the story, Me Too! in the Book Nook today.  

Today we read a story about making new friends.  We also did an activity called, "Just Like Me", to help us learn more about each other.

After lunch, we went to visit the swimming pool and the locker rooms.  Mrs. Moore and Mr. Yakscoe gave the children a tour of the locker rooms and the pool.  Next Friday, September 11th, will be our first day to get into the pool!  

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