
Friday, September 18, 2015


...what we did with our 2nd grade buddies today.
...what we did in Spanish.
...the 3 people who work in the Lower School that came to our classroom for a visit.
...whose birthday we celebrated.
...who our first "Star of the Week" is.
...the story elements of Silly Sally.
...whose birthday we celebrated.
We got together with our buddies today and played on the playground.

Ask your child about the activity they were doing in Spanish in the photos below.

We officially met the Head of Lower School (Mrs. Mason) and the Lower School Deans (Mr. Kegelmayer and Mrs. Farrenkopf.  They shared with us what their jobs are in the Lower School.

 Today we discussed the story elements of the book Silly Sally.
 The "star" (main character) of the story is Sally.
 The story took place (setting) in a town.
 The emotion/feeling of the main character was joy.
 The problem in the story was how they were going to get to town if they kept sleeping upside-down.
 The solution was Neddy Buttercup.
Today we helped Sydney celebrate her September birthday.  Sydney's mom read the story, You Get What You Get and then we enjoyed chocolate chip cookies for Sydney's birthday treat.  Happy Birthday, Sydney!

Today we had our first "Star of the Week" presentation.  Mrs. Spolter is the "Star of the Week".  She shared some of her favorite things including:  Chipotle (favorite restaurant); the beach (favorite place to visit); and dophins (favorite animal).  Mrs. Spolter also shared photos with us.  Each child in our class will have a turn to be the "Star of the Week".  You will receive a note with directions in your child's folder when it is his/her turn.  This is a great opportunity for the children to get to know one another better, including making connections.
We were scientists today!  First, we discussed what we know about bubbles and then read a non-fiction book about bubbles.  The book explained that bubbles are full of air and are always round.  Following the story, we used some interesting tools to blow bubbles.

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