
Tuesday, September 22, 2015


...what the Dramatic Play Station is.
...what I helped make for the Dramatic Play Station.
...what book Mrs. Arner read to us at the library.
...what book I checked out from the library.'s Lower School Assembly.
...whose birthday we celebrated.
Today we transformed the Dramatic Play Station into a pizza place.  The children participated in writing and illustrating the sign, the menu and the decorations  for the restaurant.

The group in the 2 photos below came up with the name for the restaurant and helped make the sign. 


 The children in the photo below made the decorations for the restaurant.
 The children in the 2 photos below created the menu.

 The children pictured below made the tags you wear when playing in the Dramatic Play Station.  You can be a cook, a server or a customer.

 Camille takes Kevin's order in The Pizza Restaurant.
Today we helped Ethan celebrate his September birthday.  Ethan's dad read the story,  THE GREAT GRACIE CHASE--Stop that Dog!  We then enjoyed eating sugar cookies for Ethan's birthday treat.  Happy Birthday, Ethan!

Today was Teacher's Choice Day and we did work on the SMARTBoard.  We did a math activity using a ten-frame.  Each child had a turn to fill in the 10-frame with an assigned amount.  This was also a great activity for the children to become familiar with how to touch/manipulate the SMARTBoard when doing an interactive lesson/activity.


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