
Friday, April 10, 2015


...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...what I did in Music.
...the problem-solving activities we did with Mrs. "B".
...what I learned about stars.
...the constellation I made and what I named it.
...what I learned about rockets/Space Shuttles.
...the rocket experiment we did with a balloon, yarn and a straw.
...the chapter book we started reading today! 
Avery exercises his spatial reasoning skills with magnetic shapes.  Check out the skier he did using a card as a model.
 Anna exercised her spatial reasoning skills in the Construction Zone building with the straws and connectors.
Be sure to ask your child about the problem-solving activities Mrs. "B" did with the class.

After reading and learning about stars from a book, the children created their own constellations.  We have a special place to display them in our classroom.


Today we read a book about what happens when a Space Shuttle takes off into Outer Space.  We then watched a short video clip of a Space Shuttle taking off.

 After we watched the video, we did a simulated "rocket take-off".
A string (laced through a drinking straw) was attached from the ceiling to the floor.  The drinking straw was the "rocket" and the balloon (filled with air) was the fuel.  We discussed that more air in the balloon would make the "rocket" go higher.  The children cheered when the "rocket" made it to the ceiling!

Today we introduced and began reading the book, Charlotte's Web.

Today was a Discovery Day!.  First, we stopped to check out our tree we have been visiting and observing since the beginning of the school year.  Mrs. "B" showed us the buds on the branches that will soon become leaves.  Hooray for Spring!

 The next activity we introduced was pattern block sudoku.  This was a great activity involving problem-solving and logical thinking. 

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