
Thursday, October 9, 2014


...the question on the Morning Message.
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...what I did in P.E.
...what I did in Spanish.
...the Science experiment we are doing.
...what a prediction is.
...the story we heard about a ...little red house with no doors, no windows and a star inside.
... what shirt/top I want to wear to school tomorrow for Academy Spirit Day!

We decorated our letter "A" with apples!
 Check out the question on our Morning Message.
Rubina works on an activity from the "Work Work" station where you spell words with the use of picture clues for assistance.
 Elliott explores with the color viewers at the Discovery Station.

At the Alphabet Station, children can practice the sounds we have done so far using letter cards.  One child plays the role of the "teacher" and shows the other child (the "student") the letter card. The "student" then makes the sound of the letter shown to him/her.
Today we discussed what happens when you do an experiment and then conducted our own experiment which we will follow-up with tomorrow.  We took sliced apples and placed them in clear containers.  Next, we added lemon juice to one container; water to another container; and nothing to the 3rd container.  Then, children made predictions (guesses) about what would happen to the apples in each container.  The apples are now "on display" on the shelf in our Discovery Station.  We will follow-up with our experiment tomorrow.  Stay tuned!  
After our apple experiment, we listened to a story called, The Little Red House.  Be sure to ask your child about this story!

We have had some busy authors in Pre-K "A".  Today, each author had the opportunity to share his/her book with a classmate before bringing it home to share with family.

Today was our first time on the laptops.  The children did an amazing job using the "mouse".  Children could choose activities from including.... Counting Fish,  Alphabet Bingo,  Number Bingo, Connect the Dots and Upper Case/Lower Case Letter Match.

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