...the new greeting we did ("Hello Neighbor").
...what I did in Spanish.
...what I did in Music.
...the new work stations we are doing.
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...the story, The Peace Rose. and when we can use the peace rose in our classroom.
Today we started another "round" of Work Stations. Following are the "have to" activities for this round.....
At Games Galore, children play "Connect Four" with the color words.
Children can choose a gameboard where the color words are written in the color or...
...a gameboard where the color words are written in black.
At Math Magic, children roll two dice, count or add together the dots on the dice, and then color in the number on a paper.

At the Writing Station, children illustrate their page of our class book, inspired by our reading of the book, The Day Crayons Quit.
At the Creation Station, children create an illustration for a poem we ahve been learning in class, "Five Little Pumpkins".

Also at the Fine Motor Station, children can exercise their cutting skills by snipping a piece of yarn. This was a popular activity!

...the story, The Peace Rose. and when we can use the peace rose in our classroom.
At Games Galore, children play "Connect Four" with the color words.
Children can choose a gameboard where the color words are written in the color or...
...a gameboard where the color words are written in black.
At Math Magic, children roll two dice, count or add together the dots on the dice, and then color in the number on a paper.
At the Writing Station, children illustrate their page of our class book, inspired by our reading of the book, The Day Crayons Quit.
At the Creation Station, children create an illustration for a poem we ahve been learning in class, "Five Little Pumpkins".
Following are new activities available during Free Choice time.....
At the Sensory Tub, children use a slotted spoon to find plastic spiders hidden in rice. Children must shake the rice from the spoon and then put the spider into a bucket.
At the Fine Motor Station, children peel off tiny stickers and line them up around the pumpkin shape.
Also at the Fine Motor Station, children can exercise their cutting skills by snipping a piece of yarn. This was a popular activity!

Today we read the story, The Peace Rose, which explains how children use a rose to resolve a conflict they are having. We will have peace roses available in our classroom which we will encourage the children to use if/when they are experiencing a conflict with a classmate. By using the peace rose, children will gain experience in how to verbally express their feelings and frustrations to resolve a conflict. We explained to the children that if a classmate is hurt (physically or emotionally), then a teacher should be informed, rather than using the peace rose.
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