
Friday, October 10, 2014


ASK ME ABOUT... we greeted each other during Morning Meeting.
...the question on the Morning Message.
...what I did in Spanish.
...the story, Me Too!
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...what I did in Music.
...what happened to the apple slices in the lemon juice.
...what happened to the apple slices in the water.
...what happened to the apple slices that were put in nothing.

Check out our Morning Message for Academy Spirit Day!
 Today we read the story, Me Too!, by Mercer Mayer.  The first time, the teacher read the story.  The second time, the Pre-K children participated with the teacher in telling the story.

 Anna putting the alphabet in order.
 Remy reading the "Colors" poem we learned this week.
 Remy and Graham enjoying Mo Willems books in the Book Nook.
 We had some busy builders today in the Construction Zone!  The builders also wanted to label their constructions.

 Today, we checked in on our apples that we used in yesterday's experiment.  We reviewed our predictions about what would happen and then took a look at what actually happened.  Be sure to ask your child the changes we noticed in the apples that were put in lemon juice; the apples put in water; and the apples put in with nothing.

Today we had Art with Mr. Cicetti and Mr. Ang.  Then, we headed for the gymnasium with the rest of the entire school for a pep rally!  

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