
Monday, October 20, 2014


...the question on the Morning Message.
...the new password.
...the story, Red is Best.
...the color graph we did. favorite color on our color graph.
...what I did in P.E.
...what I did in Spanish.
...the new letter sound we did.
...what we used to decorate the letter "G".
...the story, White Rabbit's Color Book.
...telling you what 3 colors are the primary colors.
 Be sure to ask your child these questions about our favorite color graph...
~Which color has the most?
~Which color has the least?
~Are there any colors that are equal?
After introducing the letter sound /G/, Mrs. "B" used the letters we have introduced so far on the "blending board".  Children blend the 3 letter sounds together and then decide if the word is a real word or a nonsense word.

 Decorating our letter "G" with GREEN and GOLD GLITTER!

Creating dots on dogs at the Creation Station.  This is an extension activity from a story we read last week called, Dog's Colorful Day.

 Retelling the story of Dog's Colorful Day with props in the Book Nook.

White Rabbit's Color Book is a story about a white bunny who dips herself in different paints--red and blue; red and yellow; and blue and yellow.  Be sure to ask your child what happens at the end of the story when the bunny dips herself in red, yellow and blue paint at the same time!
Today children had the opportunity to work on their own laptops, doing language and math activities from 

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