
Monday, October 27, 2014


...the question on the Morning Message.
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...the new password.
...the books from the Book Fair that Elliott's mom shared with us.
...what letter sound we did today.
...what we glued on the letter "M" today.
...what story Mrs. Arner read to us at the library.
...what book I checked out from the library. 

From now on, the Friendly Frog will write his/her name on the Morning Message instead of the teacher doing it.
Elliott's mom visited us today to share with us some of the books available to buy at the Book Fair.  She also read to the class a story about Splat the Cat.

Today we discussed the letter sound /M/ and added it to the group of letters we use on the blending board.  The children sounded out the letters of each word and decided if it was a real word or a nonsense word.

 We decorated the letter "M" with Mickey and Minnie Mice.
During today's handwriting lesson, children were able to practice the letters they have learned so far on the SMARTBoard!

Today we did more of our Empathy Training.  Using the photo below, we discussed how are feelings can change.  More specifically, if you feel nervous or scared to do something initially and then you feel differently after you try it, practice it or get help with it.  Ask your child how the girl in the photo felt about playing on the rings at first and how she feels now.

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