
Friday, October 24, 2014


...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...what I did in Music.
...the story, Color Dance.
...the color wheel.
...the mixing color experiment I did.
...playing the game,  "Mrs. B's Party".
 We read another story about what happens when you mix colors together.  Following the story, we took a look at the Color Wheel and discussed how the wheel is a chart that shows us what happens when you mix 2 primary colors together.  Next, we did our own hands-one experiment with mixing colors.  Each child had the opportunity to mix colors together to observe what happens.  Be sure to ask your child what happens when you mix...

red + yellow
blue + yellow
red + blue
red + white
black +white
blue + red + yellow



Today was a Discovery Day!
We took advantage of the nice weather and stopped to take a look at our tree!  The children noticed that there are less leaves and the color of the leaves continues to change.  We even got to watch leaves falling from the tree!  We collected 1 or 2 leaves from our tree to take home!

 We also did 2 experiments involving colors!
In one experiment, the children watched what happened when we added oil mixed with food coloring to a cup of warm water.  It made "fireworks"!  The food coloring dissolves in water, but not in the oil.  Because the oil is less dense than the water, the oil stayed on top of the water when we poured it into the cup.  The food coloring began to sink because if its density.
 The other experiment we did was "Tie Dye Milk".  In a shallow plate, we poured milk to cover the bottom of the plate.  In another bowl, we mixed water and dish soap.  Next, we squirted food coloring on to the milk.  Then we dipped a Q-tip into the soap and water mixture and gently touched it onto the milk.  The food coloring swirls around making a "tie dye" pattern.

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