
Tuesday, April 1, 2014


...going to Lower School Assembly this morning.
...what I did in P.E.
...what I did in Spanish.
...what letter I learned and practiced writing in my handwriting book.
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations. 
...the name of the new month!

 We saw a new month today (April) during our calendar activities!  We have 4 birthdays this month, Passover, Easter, Earth Day and Pajama Day!  Since today is "April Fool's Day", we read the story, April Fool! Watch Out at School!

Today we started a new set of Work Stations!
At the Project Station, children complete a rhyming flip book. 
At the Writing Station, children complete their page for a class astronaut book.

At the Alphabet Station, children will complete one of two activities, "Password Eggs" or "Mystery Word".

With the "Password Eggs" activity, children "crack" an egg and, using the letter tiles that come from the egg to form one of the passwords we have learned.


With the "Mystery Word" activity, children use letter tiles to spell the pictures on the page.  The 3 letters that are remaining after spelling all of the pictures is the mystery word!

At Games Galore, children will do one of two games--"Fill the Cup" or "Doubles Are Not Trouble".

With "Fill the Cup", children take turns rolling a die.  They fill their cup with "moon rocks" according to the amount on the die.  The first person to reach the fill line with moon rocks wins!

In "Doubles Aren't Trouble", each child has a game board.  Each child takes turns rolling a die and doubling the amount on the die.  The child then covers that particular number on his/her board.  The first child to fill up his/her board, wins!

At the Discovery Station, children make a USA rocket that they can "fly" by blowing air through a straw.

At Math Magic, children complete one of two activities--Rocket Countdown with ten frames or Stars Galore.

With the Rocket Countdown, children order the ten frames from 10 to 1.

In the Book Nook, children can look at/read books or complete the nursery rhyme activity at the pocket chart.
At the Fine Motor Station, children can choose the activity they would like to do.  One of those activities is using the new "galaxy playdough"!
At the Creation Station, children use watercolors to paint a planet.  Children can choose to paint one of the real planets or create on of their own.
At the Overhead Station, children complete an Outer Space word search.

Lots of cooperative and creative efforts happening in the Construction Zone.
At the Sensory Tub, children can find "bugs" and "snakes" in the grass, collecting them with tweezers.

More fun with galaxy playdough!

 Children learned and practiced writing the letter "R" today in their handwriting books.

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