
Monday, February 3, 2014


...all the passwords we found in the Morning Message. we counted to 100 as a class and when we jumped as we were counting. many groups of ten are in 100.
...the stations we did today for the 100th Day!
...what we counted and ate for snack.
...what I did in P.E.
...what I did in Spanish.
...the new password.
...the new month.

Check out all of the passwords we found in the Morning Message!
Today during Calendar, we documented our 100th Day of School!

 We made our 10th group (bundle) of 10 straws.  Then....
 ...we combined them into 1 group of 100!

 100th DAY SNACK~
We had a special snack for the 100th Day!  Children counted out 10 pieces each of 10 different foods.  After counting and placing each food in the appropriate ten-frame, the children enjoyed eating their snack.  Some children at all 100 pieces!

 At the station pictured below, children counted out their 100 items by putting them in 10 groups of 10.

 At the Station pictured below, children worked in partners trying to stack 100 pennies.
 At the Station pictured below, children worked with a partner to make a paper chain with 10 links.  Tomorrow, we will combine the 10 chains (with 10 links each) to make a 100 paper chain.

 At the Station pictured below, children worked together to make a structure using 100 plastic cups.

 Children looked at the 3 jars pictured below and made a guess as to which jar has 100 items.  Tomorrow, we will count the items in each jar to discover which one has 100!

 Check out all of the number 100's we found!
 On display are our bags with 100 items! 

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