
Monday, February 10, 2014


...where I went and what I did for Work Stations. new "Book In A Bag".
...the new password.
...what happens when you spell the new password backwards.
...what story Mrs. Arner read to us in the library.
...what book I checked out from the library.
...what I learned about the moon.
...what letter we practiced in handwriting.
...whose birthday we celebrated.

Here are our new Work Stations...

Children working with Mrs. "B" at the Lily Pad will identify the beginning or ending sounds of objects or....

 "Clap" the pictures below to determine how many claps (syllables) are in the word.

 At the Fine Motor Station, children are cutting out pictures and putting them in sequential order to tell the story of a melting snowman.
 At Games Galore, children are tossing a bean bag into the net.  
Once their bean bag makes it into a net, the child reads the word closest to the net.

Children working with Mrs. Spolter are using their spatial reasoning skills using tangrams as pictured below.


 Mrs. Spolter is also working with children on strengthening their patterning skills.
At Math Magic, children are measuring different sizes of snowmen with unifix cubes.  They then record their results.

 At the Creation Station, children are coloring/designing the rocketship that will go into our Space Station Dramatic Play area.

 At the Writing Station, children are practicing passwords and classmates' names by writing them on the window!

We read a non-fiction book about the moon and learned some interesting facts including...
...the dark spots on the moon are hardened lava that erupted from volcanoes on the moon a long time ago.
...craters are deep holes in the moon made by space rocks that crashed on to the moon.
...astronauts that have visited the moon bring back moon rocks for scientists to study.
...the moon does not have its own light but gets its light from reflecting the sun.

After the story, we introduced our Moon Observation Journal.  Each night, a Pre-K child will have a turn to bring home the Moon Observation Journal and draw a picture of what the moon looks like on that particular night.  The child should bring back the Moon Observation Journal the following day.  He/She will share his/her observation results.  The Journal will then go home with another child.

We worked on upper case "G" today in handwriting.

Today we helped Griffin celebrate his half-birthday.  Griffin's mom read the story, There Is A Monster Under the Shed.  Then, we ate yummy brownies for Griffin's birthday treat. Happy Half-Birthday, Griffin!

Reading some Mo Willem books in the Book Nook.

Building cup structures in the Construction Zone.

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