
Wednesday, October 16, 2013


...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.  We did 2 Work Stations today!
...the story, Dog's Colorful Day.
...the new Free Choice activities. many claps (syllables) are in the word, "wonderful". many claps (syllables) are in the word, "experiment".
...what we put on the letter "I".

 At the Fine Motor Station, children exercise their fine motor skills by punching the black outline of the pumpkin with a large thumb tack.
With playdough and letter stamps, children can spell their classmates' names.
 At Math Magic, children can practice their counting and one-to-one correspondence skills.  Once a child identifies the number above the tree, he/she counts and adds that amount of Fall leaves.

 Berkeley and Kyndal count the pumpkins now available in the counting basket.
 August tries out the new glasses where you can change the lenses.
 We decorated our letter "I" with musical instruments!
Today we read a wonderful color story, Dog's Colorful Day!  After the first reading, we read the story a second time and the children helped retell it through the use of props.  This story and props are now available in our Book Nook for the children to retell during Free Choice time.

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