
Tuesday, October 15, 2013


 ...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...what I did in handwriting.
...what I did in P.E.
...what we used to decorate the letter "Y".
...the new password.
...the story, Mouse Paint.

Today we introduced new activities and new "have to" tasks at the Work Stations.  The children were very excited about these new activities....

At Math Magic, children roll 2 dice; count and/or add the dots on the dice; and color in a leaf corresponding to the number of dots.
At the Discovery Station, children use a magnet to determine whether the pictured objects are magnetic or non-magnetic. 

At the Alphabet Station, children can sort objects into 3 different sound categories.
 We opened and introduced the Overhead Station today!  The children in the photo below are using tangram shapes to complete a picture.

 At the Writing Station, children are doing "Rainbow Words".  Using the first 5 passwords we have had, children trace over each word with 3 different highlighters, saying the letters/spelling the word as they highlight it.

 At the Creation Station, children are making a picture to go along with a Halloween poem we are learning.

Reading and enjoying books in the Book Nook.
Today we read another story, Mouse Paint, about mixing primary colors to make secondary colors.  Tomorrow we will do a mixing color activity so the children can discover first-hand what happens when you mix colors together! 
We taped yellow yarn on our letter "Y'!

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