
Wednesday, February 10, 2016


...the question on the Morning Message.
...the new Work Stations.
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...what I did in Music/Drama.
...what I learned about the Sun.
Be sure to ask your child to tell you what number is represented by the two 10-rods and 7 single cubes pictured below.
Today we introduced and started a new set of Work Stations.  Here they are...

At Math Magic, children identify the amount shown on each ten-frame (by writing the number beside it); cut out each ten-frame; and then put them in order from 10 to 0 on the rocket pictured below.

 At the Alphabet Station, children will be asked to do one of the following tasks:

identify the ending sound in the words below...
 identify the beginning sound in the pictures below...
 or complete the Space word search pictured below.

 At the Sensory Tub, children search for Space items until they find 10 items.  Next, the children complete a graph of the items they found.

 At the Creation Station, children are asked to create a specific pattern.

 At the Discovery Station, children make a model of the Sun, Moon and Earth that represents how the Earth spins; how the Moon travels around the Earth; and how the Earth travels around the Sun.
At the Writing Station, children illustrate a page for our class book version of Goodnight Moon.
Today we read a non-fiction book about the Sun.  Tomorrow, we will do 2 activities to help us learn more about the Sun.
Today was a Swimming Day!  Be sure to ask your child to share with you what he/she did at the pool today!

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