
Monday, February 22, 2016


...what we watched at Assembly this morning.
...what we did at the library with Mrs. Arner.
...what book I checked out from the library. new "Book In A Bag".
...the new password.
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...the book, Come Rhyme With Me! 

Here's what was happening during our Free Choice time today..

Many children worked on building spaceships at the Discovery Station.
Camille creates and continues a pattern with Space objects.

There were many builders today in the Construction Zone using the new wooden blocks we put on the shelf.

At the Fine Motor Station, children can create with designs by connecting Hexabits.

Alex works to transfer designs from a card to the Geoboard using rubber bands.

Lyndon and Ethan sort the Space objects two different ways...

Today was a Teacher's Choice Day and we did Technology with I-pads.  We introduced a coding activity on the I-pad called Kodable--a computer programming curriculum for elementary-age students.  Before we let the children work with this activity on the I-pads, we did a "live", "human" demonstration.  (See photos below.)  Once the children began doing Kodable on the I-pads, they did really well.  The last photo below is a picture of what the activity looks like on the I-pad.

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