
Monday, February 1, 2016


ASK ME ABOUT... new "Book In A Bag".
...what we did at library with Mrs. Arner.
...the book I checked out from the library.
...what I did in Spanish.
...what the Dramatic Play Station is now.
...the new password.
...the new month. many more days until the 100th day of school.
...the "Star of the Week".
...what I learned about the Sun, the Moon and the Earth.

Max and Sally enjoy new Space books in the Book Nook.
 Camille searches the room looking for words for the "Write the Room" activity.
 Samantha and Shand count the hearts in the counting basket.  We even had to get out the chart with numbers to 200!

 Max and Alex work cooperatively to put together a new Space puzzle.

Today we reviewed and practiced writing the upper case letters--T, I, C and U.

The month of February has arrived!  Ask your child to share with you how many days are in the month of February and some of the events marked on our February calendar.

Samantha is the new "Star of the Week"!  Today we learned that Samantha's favorite things include:  purple (favorite color); lollipops (favorite dessert); and New York City (favorite place to visit).  Samantha also shared her diving trophy with the class.  Thank you for helping us get to know you better, Samantha!

Today we read a book about day and night, including how the Earth spins, how the Earth travels around the Sun, and how the Moon travels around the Earth.  We did a simulation of this using students.  Be sure to ask your child... long it takes the Earth to spin one time. long it takes the Moon to travel around the Earth. long it takes the Earth to travel around the Sun.

Today we discussed what happens to an animal's body when it is hibernating and the differences between hibernating and sleeping.  We watched a short video clip explaining these ideas and also listened to and watched a reading of the story, Bear Snores On.  We also discussed how animals' bodies stay warm in the Winter--by eating a lot of food which stores up fat in their bodies.  To demonstrate how this works, we had the children put one hand into a plastic baggie and the other hand into a plastic bag lined with "lard".  The children then placed their "baggied" hands into bowls of ice cold water.  The hand in the baggie with the lard didn't feel cold but the hand in the other plastic baggie did get cold.

 We enjoyed the yogurt pops that we made last Friday for today's snack!


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