
Monday, February 29, 2016


...the new password.
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...the Dr. Seuss activities we can do during Free Choice time.
...what I did in Spanish.
...our new "Star of the Week".
...the Dr. Seuss book we read. new "Book In A Bag".
...what silly socks I want to wear to school tomorrow.

Below are some Dr. Seuss activities children can do during Free Choice time.

~Addition Activity~
 ~Word Find~
 ~Floor Puzzle~
 ~Rhyming poem~

Since today was the last day of the month, we totaled our February weather graph.
Chi-Chi is our new "Star of the Week"!  Today we learned that Chi-Chi's favorite things include: pink and purple (favorite colors); playing with dolls (favorite activity); and a cheetah (favorite animal).  We enjoyed getting to know you better, Chi-Chi!

Today we discussed the third planet from the Sun, the Earth.  Next, we looked at pictures projected on the SMARTBoard of what each of the planets would look like if they were as close to the Earth as the Moon.  Here is the link  ( if you would like to access it at home.  The children were really amazed by these photos.

Today was a Discovery Day and we took advantage of the semi-warm temperature and took a hike through the woods behind the school.  We also stopped to check out our class tree, "Oakey", and noticed that it has buds on its branches.  We are going to keep track of the number of days until "Oakey" has leaves!

 We also discovered the bulbs we planted last Spring are starting to pop up.  Come on, Spring!!

Friday, February 26, 2016


...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...what I did in P.E.
...what I learned about the planet, Venus.
...the new Math activity we can do during Free Choice with "flats", "ten-rods" and "single cubes".
...what letter I learned and practiced writing.

This is how the morning message looked when the children arrived.  The children helped choose and write the words that would make the message make sense!
Today we learned and practiced how to write an upper case "J".  Be sure to ask your child to show you.

Today we introduced a new activity for children to do at Math Magic during Free Choice.  This activity gives children the opportunity to practice representing numbers and amounts using the same manipulatives we use to count the number of days we've been in school. 

The game pictured below was shown to the children as an activity to practice beginning sounds.

Today we read a story about Venus and learned the following:
~Venus is the second planet from the Sun.
~Venus is named "The Masked Planet".
~Venus is the hottest planet.
~Venus is covered with thick clouds.
~Venus is about the same size as the Earth.
~Venus is sometimes called the Morning Star or the Evening Star.

Today was a Cooking Day.  The children made their own snack.  They layered whipped topping and red Jell-o to look like the Cat in the Hat's hat.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


...helping Mrs. B with the Morning Message.
...our new Work Stations.
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...what I did in Music/Drama.
...what I did in Spanish.
the rhyme I am going to do with a partner for Assembly next week.

At the Alphabet Station, children are doing the "T" page for their Alphabet Book.  They will think of 2 items that begin with the /T/ sound, draw them and then label them.
 At the Writing Station,  children will do one of two tasks.
In the task pictured below, children will search the classroom looking for the objects on their page.  Once they locate the object, children will write the word beside the picture.

 Some children will do the task pictured below.
There are 6 Space objects pictured on the page below.

There are 6 "frog eggs" that are numbered with letters inside.  The letters in the egg correspond with the picture on the page.
Below is Frog #2.
 Children open the egg and find the letters.

Then, they put the letters together to spell the word to label the picture on the page (for number #2).
At Math Magic, children will do an activity to practice tallies.  Children will take out popsicle sticks inside the bag and arrange them in tally marks.  Then, they will record the tally marks on their paper and write the number value.

 At the Creation Station, children are creating an Outer Space picture.  First, children draw and color planets, stars, rockets and moons on their paper using crayons and pressing hard when coloring.  Next, children take diluted black paint to brush over their picture to make it really look like Outer Space.
 At the Discovery Station, children are making a rocket that they can fly!

 At Games Galore, children play a Dr. Seuss Memory game.
Max and Nathan discuss the planets in the Solar System.
 Kevin, Tej, Lucy and Max built a Space Station in the Construction Zone.

Mr. Cross did a second step lesson...
Today in Second Step we played a game called Mirror, Mirror. Everyone partnered up and one person was the mirror (copier) and the other was the person. After each person got a turn we talked about Patrick and his older sister Karly. Karly got new Lincoln Logs for her birthday and Patrick wanted to play with them. We talked about ways that Patrick could ask to play and also some things he could do if he didn't get to play. Then we took turns acting it out. We talked about how it's important to ask before just taking and how it's important to share.