...the new Work Stations we are doing.
...where I went and what I did for my Work Station.
...what I did in Spanish.
...the story, The Peace Rose.
...what we learned about horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines.
...the new "Star of the Week".
...what letter always follows letter "Q" and helps it make its sound.
...what we used to decorate "QU".
...what letter always follows letter "Q" and helps it make its sound.
...what we used to decorate "QU".
At the Writing Station, children continue to gain practice writing numbers using dry erase markers.

At the Big Book Station, children search for and highlight passwords that they find in the book, Does A Kangaroo Have A Mother, Too?.
At the Alphabet Station, children are asked to identify either the beginning, middle or ending sounds of words.

Children share their family photos and identify the members of their family in Spanish.
Children play a color game in Spanish with Mr. Ang.
We decorated our last letter sound today--"QU"
Today we read a story called, The Peace Rose. In the story, we learn how children use the Peace Rose to recognize and communicate their feelings, as well as listen to another child express his/her feelings when a conflict arises. The practice of using the Peace Rose provides children with the opportunity to learn and practice basic problem-solving techniques. Beginning tomorrow, we will have a Peace Rose available in our classroom that we will encourage children to use.
Ian is the Star of the Week! Today we learned that Ian's favorite things include: red (favorite color); Colorado (favorite place to visit); and cheetahs (favorite animal). Ian shared many photos with us including one of him dressed up in his ski gear! We enjoyed getting to know you better, Ian!
We started working in our handwriting books today. We learned a song to help us remember that when we write letters, we always begin at the top. We reviewed the 4 shapes we will use when learning to write our letters--big line, little line, big curve and little curve. We also learned about horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines. Finally, we practiced writing vertical and horizontal lines in our handwriting books. We are trying to establish good writing habits--writing from "top to bottom" and from "left to right".

At the Sensory Tub, children use a card and then search for items on the card that are hidden in the Sensory Tub.
At the Big Book Station, children search for and highlight passwords that they find in the book, Does A Kangaroo Have A Mother, Too?.
At Math Magic, children use ten-frames to work on one-to-one correspondence, number writing or adding.
From Games Galore, children play the game "Jungle Run" (similar to Chutes and Ladders).
From Games Galore, children play the game "Jungle Run" (similar to Chutes and Ladders).
At the Alphabet Station, children are asked to identify either the beginning, middle or ending sounds of words.

Children share their family photos and identify the members of their family in Spanish.
Children play a color game in Spanish with Mr. Ang.
We decorated our last letter sound today--"QU"
Today we read a story called, The Peace Rose. In the story, we learn how children use the Peace Rose to recognize and communicate their feelings, as well as listen to another child express his/her feelings when a conflict arises. The practice of using the Peace Rose provides children with the opportunity to learn and practice basic problem-solving techniques. Beginning tomorrow, we will have a Peace Rose available in our classroom that we will encourage children to use.
Ian is the Star of the Week! Today we learned that Ian's favorite things include: red (favorite color); Colorado (favorite place to visit); and cheetahs (favorite animal). Ian shared many photos with us including one of him dressed up in his ski gear! We enjoyed getting to know you better, Ian!
We started working in our handwriting books today. We learned a song to help us remember that when we write letters, we always begin at the top. We reviewed the 4 shapes we will use when learning to write our letters--big line, little line, big curve and little curve. We also learned about horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines. Finally, we practiced writing vertical and horizontal lines in our handwriting books. We are trying to establish good writing habits--writing from "top to bottom" and from "left to right".
Today was a Discovery Day and we learned about objects that are transparent and opaque. We even experimented with objects by shining a flashlight on them to determine if they were transparent and opaque. We also introduced the term translucent. We will continue this lesson next week.
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