
Thursday, December 10, 2015


...what we did with our second grade buddies.
...what we did in Spanish.
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...whose birthday we celebrated.
...our new "Star of the Week"!

We spent time with our 2nd grade Buddies today!  The Buddies read to the Pre-K children and then helped them learn how to make snowflakes.

We introduced some new activities today for Free Choice time...

At the Creation Station, children can use cards that provide step-by-step directions on drawing certain figures. 

 At the Overhead Station, children can use pattern blocks to complete puzzles.

 Also at the Creation Station, children can make snowflakes.
We helped Samantha celebrate her December birthday!  Samantha's dad read the story, Pout Pout Fish and the Big-Big Dark.   We then enjoyed eating Samantha's birthday treat--chocolate chip cookies that she helped make!  Happy Birthday, Samantha!

Ask me to tell you about what we did in Spanish.
Ethan is the "Star of the Week"!  We learned that Ethan's favorite things include:  the beach (favorite place to visit); a cheetah (favorite animal); and building with Legos (favorite activity).  Ethan also shared one of his minion toys with the class.  We enjoyed getting to know you better, Ethan!

Today was a Discovery Day!  We did a lesson germs--how germs spread;  the importance of washing your hands to get rid of germs, etc.  To provide the children with a more concrete understanding of spreading germs, we did an experiment.  Each child was given some hand lotion to rub on to his/her hands.  Next, some colored glitter was sprinkled onto the children's hands.  Each child had a different color of glitter on his/her hands.  We then asked the children to shake hands with a classmate.  When they looked at their hands again, they noticed another color of glitter on them.  This represented how germs are spread.   We then stressed the importance of when and how to wash your hands.

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