
Tuesday, December 8, 2015


...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...what I did in Music/Drama.
...what I did in Spanish.
...the story, Patch.
...the missing number game during Calendar.

Today during Second Step we talked about a picture of two cousins, Theresa and Raphael. Theresa had a bad dream and was telling Raphael about it. We know that Raphael is a good listener because he did three things very well:
  • He faced her with his body
  • He made eye contact ("with his eyes of course!")
  • ​He is concentrating on only her​
After this we discussed how Theresa must feel happy that Raphael listened to her tell about her bad dream. "He must really care about her if he listens." We talked about how we might be angry or sad if someone doesn't listen to us when we share something with them. Then we had the chance to practice being a good listener by talking to a partner and listening to a partner. 

Finally, we talked about how it is important to be a good listener so that the person talking to you knows that you care about them and what they are saying. 

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