...the question on the Morning Message.
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...what we had for snack.
...making people patterns.
...what letter we learned and practiced writing.
...the letter sound that we discussed today.
...what we used to decorate the letter "T".
...what book Mrs. Arner read to us at the library.
...what book I checked out from the library.
Check out the learning and cooperation happening during Free Choice time!
Spencer and Amara count the pennies in the counting basket.
Avery and K.J. doing word finds at the Word Work Station.
Mitch does a counting activity at Math Magic.
Graham, George and Gabriel building with pipes in the Construction Zone.
Scarlett and Clare playing a rhyming game at Games Galore.
Lianna, Luke and Remy enjoying "goulash" for snack. Be sure to ask your child what "goulash" is.
Margo molding with playdough at the Fine Motor Station.
Elliott working with Geoboards.
Rubina, Anna S., and Claire Z. busy in the Jolly Pizza Place!
Anna M. working on a book at the Writing Station.
Children learned and practiced writing the letter "J" today in their handwriting books.
To help us remember the letter sound /T/, we taped teeth to the "T"!
During Extended Day, we played a letter game using popsicle sticks. After seeing a letter written on a board, the children would build the letter using their sticks. If a letter with a curve was written on the board (S, C, etc.), the children would give a "thumbs down", meaning they could not make that particular letter with the sticks.