...what I did during Free Choice time.
...our guest visitor from Mexico, Senor Armando Hernandez.
...our new "Star of the Week".
Today we introduced a few new activities for Free Choice time.
In the picture below, Bella has constructed a caterpillar by putting the parts in numerical order, counting by 5's to 100.
Alex built all 3 caterpillars--counting by 1's to 30; counting by 5's to 100; and counting by 10's to 100.
At the Creation Station, children follow a guide for coloring in certain numbers on a 100 chart. Can you tell what the finished picture is?

Today we met Senor Armando Hernandez who is visiting our school from Mexico. Senor Hernandez shared with us and answered our questions about the butterfly sanctuaries in his hometown, where butterflies migrate during the Winter. Senor Rentel helped translate.
Sydney is our new Star of the Week! Her favorite things include: Piada (favorite restaurant); the beach (favorite place to visit); and rainbow (favorite colors). We enjoyed seeing and hearing about your photos, Sydney! Thank you for helping us get to know you better.
Today was a Discovery Day! We started an experiment that we will revisit in the next few days.
We put tiny water marbles into different amounts of water. Before adding the marbles to the water, children made predictions. We will check back tomorrow to see if anything happened.
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