
Tuesday, November 3, 2015


what we voted on today and how I voted.
...which snack won the most votes.
...the new password.
...the name of the new month.
...what is happening during the new month.
...what letter we decorated and how we decorated it.
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...what I did in Spanish.
...the "Star of the Week". 

Since today is Election Day, we decided to do our own voting activity in Pre-K. 
 The children were given 3 choices for snack.  Each child had the opportunity to vote for what the class ate for snack today.  We discussed how you vote is only for you to know and that you do it privately (without anyone else looking).  Be sure to ask your child how he/she voted and which snack received the most votes!

We have started a new month!  Be sure to ask your child what is going on in Pre-K "A" during the month of November!

Cooperative, interactive play with Legos.

Making rainbows.
We decorated our letter "B" with Band-aids!
Our new Star of the Week is Alex!  Today we learned that Alex's favorite things include: ice cream (favorite dessert); Legos (favorite activity);  and giraffes (favorite animal).  Alex also shared a small stuffed raccoon he got during his recent visit to Washington, D.C.  We enjoyed getting to know you better, Alex!

Instead of the teachers deciding what to transform the Dramatic Play Station into, we wanted to hear ideas from the children.  So after a few guidelines and some thinking time, each child was able to share an idea of what he/she would like to see the Dramatic Play Station be.  We plan to choose a new idea each week for the DPS until all the ideas have been used.  The children are eager and excited to play a main role in deciding and choosing how we set up the Dramatic Play Station each week.  Stay tuned!  We will be sending home a note to explain how you can help from home!

We were scientists today and did 2 experiments with colors!  
The first experiment we did involved adding food coloring to a plate of whole milk.
Next, each child dipped a Q-tip into dish soap and then placed the Q-tip on the food coloring and milk.  Check out the photos below to see what happened! 

The next experiment we did was called "Fireworks"!  First, we measured cooking oil into a cup.  Then, each child chose a food coloring and added a few drops to the oil.  We observed and discussed that the food coloring did not dissolve (or disappear) in the oil.

Next, children were seated in front of a clear cup filled with warm water.  The teacher poured some of the oil and food coloring mixture into the cup.  The children watched as the food coloring left the oil and went into the water (creating fireworks).  Eventually, the food coloring dissolved into the water.  At the end of the experiment, we noticed that the oil was still at the top of the cup, but the food coloring dissolved into the water.  We discussed that oil and water doesn't mix.  And, the food coloring is heavier (more dense) than the oil so it sunk into the water.  The oil is less dense so it stayed on top of the water.  

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