
Tuesday, November 17, 2015


...the silly socks my friends wore.
 ...where I went and what I did for Work Stations. many days we've been in school.
...what we did to celebrate Zero the Hero day.
...what we used to decorate our letter "W".
...what we did in Spanish.
...what we did in Music/Drama.
...the story, Mrs. Wishy Washy and the Big Wash.
...what solid-color shoes I want to wear to school tomorrow.

Today we read a story about Mrs. Wishy-Washy.  The story was filled with rhyming.  One Pre-K student said that the author tricked us.  On the front cover of this book, it looks like 
Mrs. Wishy-Washy is going to wash her clothes.  In the story, she washes something different.  Be sure to ask your child what she washes!

We decorated our letter "W" with watches!
Check out our silly socks..... 

mismatched socks... 

school socks...
striped socks...
frog socks...
socks with characters and creatures....
holiday socks...
socks with lace and bows...
Camille matches the lower case letters to the upper case letters.

Lucy and Lauren put together the rhyming puzzle.
Samantha "digging in the sand" at the Beach in our Dramatic Play station.

We celebrated our 60th day of school today!  Alex and his mom brought in laces and beads for us to make necklaces to celebrate Zero the Hero Day!  Thank you for a fun activity!

We helped Mr. Cross celebrate his November birthday today! 

 Second Step~
Second Step started off a little upsetting. Mr. Cross gave one student one Teddy Graham and another student a whole handful (his handful, which is way bigger than a PreK'ers). The other students did not get any. Then we talked about this. We all decided that this was not fair and that it is better to share. So we shared a whole bag and everyone got one Teddy Graham.

We also talked about a picture of two people (Nicki and Mathew). We discussed how Nicki was sad because she wanted a turn on the swing but Mathew was on the swing. It would not be fair if Mathew was on the swing for the entire recess and it would also not be fair if Nicki was on the swing the entire recess. They had to share

The last thing that we did was talk about different situations and if they were fair or unfair. We showed a thumbs up for fair and a thumbs down for unfair.

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