...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...the new activities during Free Choice time.
...the graph I did today.
...the 4 pieces (shapes) we are going to use to learn to write the upper case letters.
...the story, A Bad Case of Stripes.
...what we used to decorate the letter "X".
We added baking soda, colored vinegar and eyedroppers to our sensory tub. Children can experiment with mixing colors and observing the reaction that happens when you drop vinegar on to baking soda.
Samantha shares one of the books she has written with Camille and Poppy.
Ethan and Samantha trying to solve the Rush Hour puzzle.
We decorated out letter "X" with eXclamation points!
We had stripes on our cookies for snack.
Children put their math skills to work by graphing and then recording the Skittles they were given. Be sure to ask your child to share his/her graph with you and to tell you which color had the most; which color had the least; and if any colors were equal.
Our color story today was A Bad Case of Stripes. Ask your child to tell you how the girl in the story got rid of her stripes.
Too Many Stripes!
We introduced our handwriting program. Children were shown the books they will be using and also had the opportunity to experiment with the 4 shapes we will use to learn how to write the letters.
Big Curve, Little Curve, Big Line and Little Line are the four shapes we will use to learn how to write the upper case letters.
Today was a swimming day! The swimming teachers introduced and modeled how to use inner tubes in the pool. The children enjoyed using them today swimming around the pool.