
Tuesday, February 3, 2015


...any "have-to" activities I did during Free Choice.
...what we did during Drama. many more days until the 100th day of school!
...what book Mrs. Arner read to us in the library.
...what book I checked out from the library.
...getting my 100th Day Homework ready for tomorrow!

Anna brought in a book from home to donate to Children's Hospital.
 Our new February calendar.  It's a busy month!
Yesterday, we introduced a new way that we will be doing Work Stations and Free Choice time.  With the use of the chart pictured below, we are guiding children in choosing activities from all  stations during Free Choice time.  Certain stations will have "have to" tasks (a.k.a. what we did during Work Stations).  If a station has a "have to", it is indicated on the chart with a frog.
At the beginning of the week, each child has his/her own Free Choice chart.   During Free Choice time (Monday through Thursday), children circle stations on their chart as they visit a station and complete an activity (a "have-to" task or one of their choosing).  At the end of the morning on Thursday,  children should have visited most or all of the stations during Free Choice time and completed all of the "have-to" tasks.  Then, on Friday, Free Choice time is done without the chart.  At the end of the week, your child will bring home his/her chart so you can discuss what he/she did at the different stations. We explained to the children that we are doing Free Choice this way to get them ready for Kindergarten! 

Below are photos and descriptions of the "have-to" tasks children will do this week...
 At the Fine Motor Station, children cut out the 6 pictures in the photo below and then glue them in the correct sequential order.

 At the Creation Station, children draw the other 1/2 of the snowman.
 At Math Magic, children exercise their spatial reasoning skills using tangrams.
Pictured below are the tangram pieces.

Children fit the pieces into the appropriate places on the card.
 The cards get progressively more difficult as less clues are given as to which shape goes where.

 At the Alphabet Station, children are asked to hear and identify either the beginning, middle or ending sounds of words.

 Another work station at the Writing Station is children rainbow writing their first and last names using appropriate upper and lower case letters.

As we begin our study of Outer Space, we documented what the children shared about their current knowledge about Outer Space.
Yesterday (Monday) was Discovery!  We did an experiment with acceleration using blocks, boards and balls of various sizes.

Today we did an empathy lesson.  We discussed the difference between doing something on purpose and doing something on accident.  We used the photo below during our discussion.

We also played rhyming bingo!

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