
Tuesday, February 10, 2015


...what I did in Music.
...what instrument Rubina shared and played for us in Music.
...what I learned about the Sun.
...the heart candy estimation activity I did.
...the story, Heartprints.
Rubina is learning how to play the cello.  She brought in her cello today and played 3 songs for the class.  Ms. Schroeder and Rubina shared facts about the cello.  Bravo, Rubina!

With today's math activity, children estimated how many candy hearts would fit inside the heart pictured below.  After recording their estimation, they filled the heart with candies and then counted and recorded how many actually fit.


Today we read a story called, Heartprints.  We then discussed words and actions that leave good "heartprints" and those that leave us with bad "heartprints". 
 Here were examples of "bad heartprints"....
 After recording the words/actions that leave "bad heartprints" on a big red heart, we wrinkled the heart.  When we tried to smooth out the wrinkled heart, we could still see the wrinkles.  So, "bad heartprints" leave a "wrinkle" on our heart.
 On another heart, we recorded words and actions that make us feel good ("good heartprints").

 In the photo below are baskets with "good heartprints".  These can be used by teachers and children in our class to give to another person in our class when he/she does or says something nice for someone else.  So, if your child brings home a "heartprint", be sure to ask him/her why he/she received it.
Today we reviewed how the Earth rotates and revolves around the Sun.  We then added the Moon in and explained how the Moon travels around the Earth.  First, we demonstrated this concept with balls and then used people and sang a song.


Today was a Discovery Day!  First, we read the story Bear Feels Sick.  We then discussed how we get sick (from germs) and how we spread germs.
 We then prepared an experiment that we are going to observe throughout the next week.  We used bread slices and placed the first slice of bread into a plastic bag with a pair of tongs.

 The next slice of bread was passed around and touched with our unclean hands.  It was then placed inside another baggie.
 Next, each child used some hand sanitizer and then handled another piece of bread that was then placed into a baggie.

Finally, each child washed his/her hands; handled a fourth slice of bread; and then placed that slice into a baggie.
 We squirted some water into the baggies (to help any germs to grow faster).
 We then hung the baggies inside of a cabinet where it is dark.  We will continue to observe to see what happens to each of the bread slices.  We are hoping to see that the bread slice handled with unclean hands grows germs.   The bread slices handled with the tongs and the clean hands should have less or no germs.  Stay tuned!

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