
Tuesday, February 24, 2015


...where the moon gets its light.
...the story, Goodnight Moon. the word goodnight is a compound word.
...where I went and what I did during Free Choice.
...what I did in P.E.
...what letter sound we discussed.
...what letter we decorated and what we put on it.
...the graph I did in Spanish.
Today we read the classic story, Goodnight Moon.
Throughout the story, we found words that we can read, a pattern to the pictures on the pages, and identified the rhymes we heard.  Children can continue to enjoy this story by retelling it on the flannel board in the Book Nook or listening to it at the Listening Station.
Today we discussed the letter "N" and its sound.  We wrote our names on the "N" that hangs in our classroom.
Today we introduced some new activities for Free Choice time.

At the Writing Station, children can walk through the room to locate different Space words.  They then record the words on the sheet pictured below.

 At the Alphabet Station, children can identify the beginning letter sound of these Space words.

Today was Technology Day!  The children were asked to choose and do one letter activity and one number activity and then they choose other activities from  We are observing the children becoming more skilled at working with the wireless mouse on the laptop.  They are needing less assistance and becoming more independent!

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