
Monday, January 12, 2015


ASK ME ABOUT... my frog card (the one I turn over when I enter the classroom) is different.
...what I did in P.E.
...what letter I learned and practiced writing.
...what letter sound we did.
...what we used to decorate the letter "P".
...what I learned about Martin Luther King, Jr.
...what I learned about magnets.
...the snowman poem we learned.
When children enter the room and turn over their frog card, they now have to search for their last name instead of their first name!

Today children learned and worked on writing letter "A".

Today we discussed the letter sound /P/.  We made a "human blending board"!
We decorated the letter "P" with puzzle pieces. 

Today we read a story and had a discussion about Martin Luther King, Jr.  We explained that Dr. King tried to get laws/rules changed so that everyone was treated fairly.  He was also someone who tried to help others and tried to teach people to be kind and helpful to everyone.  Tomorrow, we will get together with our 2nd grade buddies to do a special activity to help others.  Stay tuned!
Today we read a story and experimented with finding magnetic objects in our classroom.

 As a follow-up activity, children will separate magnetic and non-magnetic items that are mixed in the Sensory Tub. 

We introduced a snowman poem that the children can do on the pocket chart in the Book Nook.  There will be a follow-up activity to do with the poem with our Work Stations which will begin later this week.

 Today during lunch, Columbus Academy students were treated to some musical selections by members of the Ohio State Alumni Band.  Go Bucks!

Today was a Cooking Day!  To begin, we read a story about snow and snowflakes.  Be sure to ask your child how snow is good for people, good for animals and good for plants.
 After the story, the children were shown how to fold a coffee filter (3 times) and then how to make cuts to create a snowflake.

 After making paper snowflakes, we folded tortillas and made edible snowflakes!  After cutting the tortilla, children unfolded; "painted" on melted butter; and then sprinkled it with sugar/cinnamon and/or powdered sugar.  After "baking" in the oven for a short time, the children ate their snowflake.  These were a big hit!

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