
Tuesday, May 5, 2015


...the new Work Stations we started.
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...what happened in Charlotte's Web.
...whose birthday we celebrated.
...what we did with our 2nd grade buddies.
...what we did in Spanish.
The question pictured below was on our Morning Message.  Be sure to ask your child which frog doesn't belong and why.  There were several ways to answer this question!
 At the Discovery Station, children can observe our live caterpillars.
Today we started charting the life cycle stages of our caterpillars.  Each day, the Friendly Frog will check the caterpillars and color in on a chart which stage of life they are in. 

Today we introduced a new set of Work Stations (our final set!).  Throughout the next 2 weeks, each child will complete the tasks below when it is his/her turn to visit a particular station.

At Math Magic, children will measure items using a "caterpillar ruler".
 At the Fine Motor Station, children will exercise their cutting skills by cutting zigzags.
At the Creation Station, children will design a butterfly's wings--symmetrically.
 At the Discovery Station, children will complete the life cycle of a butterfly using different pasta noodles and beans.
 At the Writing Station, we are making a class book about Summer. Each child will order and glue on his/her favorite thing to do in the Summer and illustrate the page.

During our reading of Charlotte's Web, children can spread out and get comfortable.  We also turn off the lights!
Today our 2nd grade buddies had a "read in" and we joined them for a little part of it.  Pre-K children read their "Book In A Bag" from last week to their buddies and then the buddies read a story to them.

Today we helped Rubina celebrate her May birthday.  Rubina's mom read the story Goldilicious to the class.  We then enjoyed eating Timbits for Rubina's birthday treat.  Happy Birthday, Rubina!

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