
Wednesday, December 3, 2014


...the question on the Morning Message.
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...the new Work Stations we are doing.
...what I did in Drama.
...what I did in Music.
...whose birthday we celebrated.
...Author Sharing today.
We now have cardboard bricks in our Construction Zone.  Gabriel, George, Margo and Lianna worked cooperatively building and writing signs/labels for their construction.
At the Sensory Tub, children search for hidden numbers and then locate them on a chart.

 At the Discovery Station, children review what they have learned about primary and secondary colors.

 At the Work Work Station, children review 3 of our previous passwords.
 Also at the Word Work Station is a password writing activity.  Children choose a password from the Word Wall and record it on the paper using a pencil, a marker and a crayon.
At the Alphabet Station, children choose a letter and trace it on to white paper.  Next, the children draw 3 objects that begin with that letter sound.  Finally, children label their pictures.
At the Creation Station, children do marble painting with primary colors.
 At the Lily Pad, children use cubes to build structures.  The structures start out simple and then become more complex.

Today we helped Scarlett celebrate her December birthday.  Scarlett's mom read the story, Beep Beep, Vroom Vroom!
We then enjoyed donuts and juice for Scarlett's birthday treat!

Today was a Discovery Day!  We discussed the terms opaque and transparent and then demonstrated the meaning of these concepts using a flashlight.  A flashlight was shone on to a black piece of paper.  We then used various objects (clear plastic bag, clear plastic cup, red plastic cup, etc.) and held them up to the flashlight.  If the children could still see the light shone on the black paper, then the object was transparent.  If the children could not see the light on the black paper, then the object was opaque.   We will continue this activity and add in objects that are translucent. 

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